Dragon Egg

“Excuse me madam…
Is this what you’re looking for?”

nib pen drawing on paper | acrylic ink | acrylic paint

Jan de Wind

There’s a Dutch fairytale about Jan de Wind, who is basically a mythical figure up in the sky that controls the wind… I always imagine him being a bulky cloud with big eyes and an even larger mouth, blowing out air.

nib pen drawing on paper | acrylic ink | acrylic paint

The Pink Whale

Dieuwertje had almost fallen asleep when she suddenly hears a soft knock against the window. As she opens the curtain, she sees a huge pink whale is floating in front of her, right among the trees. Dieuwertje curiously opens the window. “Hello?”

nib pen drawing on paper | acrylic ink | acrylic paint

Picture This! 2023 competition

In 2023 I was one (of the three) winners of the Picture This! illustration competition, hosted by Dutch publishing house Lemniscaat.

My winning illustrations are black and white linocut prints, that together tell the story of Senna. Senna is looking for her cat Snoet; he hasn’t come home for dinner and now Senna has to go to bed without having a cuddle from her favourite pet. She is tired of searching all day and falls asleep immediately. In her dreams, her search for Snoet continues…

The jury’s verdict: “The story and Sofie’s talent for illustration are beautifully combined in her linocuts. The original style and ambience invite the reader to take a closer look to see what is happening. Her clear, flowing lines and shapes are beautiful and attractive to children.” You can see the complete jury report and work of all Picture This! winners of 2023 here.


“Hee! Ga je mee vliegeren?”

linocut print | black & white


Imagine if you would be able to cross the ocean on a large origami paper boat… Where would you go?

linocut | digitally added color

Mushroom Forest

“Let’s follow the purple rabbit!”

nib pen drawing on paper | acrylic ink | acrylic paint

Little Red Ridinghood

Illustration about Little Red Ridinghood, who becomes friends with a large wolf when she’s on her way to visit granny.

linocut print | coloured pencils | watercolour

Field of Flowers

nib pen drawing on paper | acrylic ink | acrylic paint